Archimedes might yell “Eureka!” if he could see this cool precipitation-measuring device.
The Story:
Archimedes shouted "Eureka!" as he jumped out of the bath and ran through the streets of Syracuse, Sicily, while completely nude. Evidently, he was really eager to learn how buoyancy worked in general. The legend, sadly, is probably untrue, but his illustrious principle is. Every time it rains, you can watch it in action thanks to this copper gauge.
Boats float because of Archimedes' Principle, which states that every object submerged in a liquid experiences an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces. referred described as a pluviometer by scientists (you know, the ones who might enjoy hearing all this Archimedes stuff when you show them your cool new gadget). constructed in New Paltz, New York.
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